There is much to get done this week. We're hosting a huge New Year's Eve party Thursday night - so we've been planning food and games. Everyone will be arriving around 7 pm and who knows when they will be leaving (gotta say, with our ages you can be pretty sure it will be shortly after midnight). There is a list a real Southern mile long of things to accomplish in the next couple of days.
Monday we went to three grocery stores with two more to do today. I stayed on the computer for a couple of hours working on sending our resumes, updating calendars and making calls. Went to water aerobics first thing yesterday morning with my friend.
As we all do, my thoughts turn to what has transpired this year and what I pray and hope for in 2010. Gotta say, a few things I don't even have to think about - birth of two new grandsons and finding a new job.
Here's our first grandson who is due around the first of February....isn't is the cutest???
And now our second grandson who is due around the first of April...another darling little one - so cute!!
We're beyond excited waiting on the safe arrival of both of these special guys. Their Mom's are both doing well and look amazing as expectant Mothers-to-be. I'm looking forward to being there as soon as these precious little ones arrive. I'm busy planning ways to pamper the new Moms and just love these little boys.
I'm busy seeking a new position and praying 2010 will bring this new opportunity quickly. The Cop and I both will be working on us in this new year - spiritually and health wise. We're making a good head start on both of these already.
Right now I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around the fact that in just a few days I have to take down all the Christmas decorations. It's a lot of work but more importantly, I miss the decorations. It's sad when wrapping each ornament up and placing everything in the decoration room to wait for 11 months until I can bring them back out.
I'm glad the Cop and I will be working in 2010 on things together. It always helps to have a partner when making major changes in your life for the positive. So come this time next year, I'll post the results of our stay tuned.
Have you made some promises to yourself for improvement for 2010?